Friends of Heptonstall Museum is a UK registered charity 1200045.
The Friends of Heptonstall Museum exist to establish and maintain a museum in Heptonstall for the benefit of the public. We want to create and sustain a community run museum that provides a place where we can explore our shared past, traditions and stories; that embraces collective creativity and sparks the imagination; and supports economic, social and environmental sustainability in our museum and our village.
Key Aims
- Connect with visitors and local people of all ages to provide a cultural experience via our exhibitions, poetry workshops, music and literary performances, and creative workshops.
- To rejuvenate and restore a historic building in a unique setting, and develop sustainable uses for it as an asset to the local community.
- Create a resilient and inclusive governance structure that enables local people to deliver a museum for the benefit of all, and deliver a sound financially sustainable operational footing.
- To provide volunteering opportunities that springboard to personal growth and skills development
- Build public and stakeholder support to help to grow participation with community input directly in planning, researching and co-creating the museum.
- Grow our audience scope, both in diversity and numbers, and evolve a visitor journey and experience.
Who we are
We have a team of Volunteer Trustees with a variety of backgrounds who have led the community asset transfer to effect the reopening of the museum. We are building a team of dedicated volunteers who help with the day to day management of the museum, which is open Thursday to Sunday. Volunteering opportunities are always available.